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No Rest For The Wicked Origin

The Phrase Finder

No Rest for the Wicked

Origins of the Phrase

From the Bible

The phrase "no rest for the wicked" can be traced back to the Bible, specifically to the Book of Isaiah. In Isaiah 48:22, it reads, "There is no peace, saith the Lord, unto the wicked."

First English Translation

The phrase was first translated into English by Miles Coverdale in his 1535 translation of the Bible, where it appeared as "No rest to the wicked, saith the Lord."

Meaning of the Phrase

The phrase "no rest for the wicked" suggests that those who engage in evil or wicked deeds will not find peace or contentment in life. It implies that wrongdoers will face consequences and will not be able to escape the weight of their actions.

The phrase has become a common proverb, often used to describe the belief that those who do wrong will eventually pay for their actions. It is a reminder that there are consequences for our behaviors and that we should strive to live righteous lives.

