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Tragic Incident President Expresses Regret

Israeli Airstrike Kills Dozens in Gaza

Tragic Incident: President Expresses Regret

An Israeli airstrike targeted a tent camp in Gaza, resulting in the tragic death of 45 individuals. The Gaza Health Ministry reported that the death toll since October has reached alarming levels. CNN reported that children were among the victims of the intense Israeli airstrikes and shelling.

Israeli President's Perspective

Expression of Regret

Following the attack on Rafah, Israeli President Isaac Herzog expressed regret and described the incident as a "tragic mistake." However, medical sources quoted by German news agency DPA indicated that the death toll had surpassed 20.

Civilian Casualties Raise Concerns

The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights has issued a warning to Israel, urging against launching a full-scale military operation in the region. The escalating violence and civilian casualties have sparked international concern and calls for de-escalation.
